
Friday, December 14, 2012

MPNs Gain Attention of Hematologists

In case you haven't heard, hundreds and hundreds of hematologists gathered in Atlanta, Georgia for the 2012 ASH (American Society of Hematology) conference this past week.

Until I was diagnosed with Polycythemia Vera, I had no inkling how complicated our blood is.  I also didn't realize how much 'we' (including the medical and scientific communities) don't know about about blood functions at the protein and molecular levels. 

It's a beautiful thing when blood functions properly.  But when it doesn't, well, it turns a person into a patient. 

Fortunately, we've got some very inquisitive, intelligent people studying many aspects of MPNs.  This year's conference featured several presentations on new learnings about Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs) -- from PV phenotypes to drugs that impact the disease processes and side effects like anemia.  

Here are a few helpful summaries of the MPN highlights from the conference.  The videos features Dr. Ruben Mesa of the Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, Arizona.

Dr. Ruben Mesa summarizes MPN updates from ASH conference  
(updates on Polycythemia Vera and Ruxolitinib in Myelofibrosis patients)

In the next video, Dr. Mesa discusses the molecular abnormalities of MPNs (especially those with Polycythemia Vera):

Genetic Profiling Shows Promise for Customized Treatments

I want to learn more about this, as each fellow PV-er I meet seems to have a unique experience.  Varied severity of symptoms, responses to treatments, and outside factors make living with MPNs all the more frustrating.  Human beings want certainty, predictability, and a sense of control.  

It seems we are in the midst of the MPN learning curve.  At this point in human history, we can be grateful for the forward momentum of knowledge in this relatively obscure area of blood science.

Check out the ASH website.

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